Habitat for Humanity Upcoming Event on April 26th!

Join the Portland Region Habitat for Humanity community at this year’s free HopeBuilder lunch on Wednesday, April 26th at the Oregon Convention Center from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.  Discover the work Habitat for Humanity is doing to address our local housing crisis.  Help build a Portland region where everyone has an opportunity to have an affordable place to call home.

Learn more and RSVP today at https://habitatportlandregion.org/events/hopebuilder-lunch/

The featured keynote speaker is Pulitzer Prize-winning author Mitchell S. Jackson.   His memoir Survival Moth: Notes on an All-American Family examines the hardships that shaped his life in Oregon, his family, and his community.

Leon Taylor is hosting a Bethel UCC and friends table –reach out to Leon at mr.leon.taylor.new@gmail.com.

If you are unable to attend the event, and still want to support Habitat Portland Region, use this link, donate here.  

Peace & Blessings

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday – Simple Supper and Worship – Wednesday, February 22 – 6:30pm
We will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a light supper of soup and bread to launch our Lenten theme: wilderness.

Our gathering will include an activity designed to draw us into the season of Lent. There will also be the opportunity to receive ashes for those who find the ritual meaningful.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent. Lent is the season of preparation for Easter in a similar way in which Advent prepares us for Christmas.

The ancient practice of Lent was intended to prepare people for baptism on Easter. Lent invites us into a time of introspection – a time to inventory what aspects of our lives may be obstacles to following the way of Jesus. Lent is modeled after the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness as it is recorded in the 4th chapter of both Matthew and Luke’s gospel.

Jesus’ time in the wilderness reveals the reality of temptations we all face as we strive to live with love as our primary purpose. The point of Lent isn’t to deny that we ever struggle to be faithful to the way God would have us live. Rather, Lent gives us the opportunity to be transparent – real with who we are – our strengths and our weaknesses. Acknowledging the ways we may feel hindered, or broken, or bound up can serve as first steps toward freedom and wholeness.

To help with the preparation of the meal, please RSVP to office@bethelbeaverton.org if you plan to attend the service.


  You are invited to an Interfaith Event on Sunday, January 29, 3:00-5:00 PM hosted by Bilal Masjid, 4115 S.W. 160th Ave. Beaverton.
     The goal of this event is to begin to build a diverse interfaith coalition to expand understanding of various traditions; build community and enjoy one another’s company; encourage respect and unity in the Beaverton area.
     The afternoon will include:  panelists from diverse faith traditions; small group conversations; choosing actions/activities to build the coalition.

Epiphany Season Worship Series – January 8 – February 19, 2023

The season of Epiphany follows the celebration of Christmas. This is the liturgical season when we celebrate the “manifestations” of the birth of the Messiah. In the baptism of Jesus, and the miracle stories of Jesus for example turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. in other words, this is the season of “ah-ha” moments. The reality of God’s Incarnation in human form, keeps showing up. The Biblical examples of the season of Epiphany are the “wise men” who came from distant countries, the presentation of Jesus at the temple, the

Our creative and imaginative task during this season is to hear these ancient accounts of God’s Incarnation as invitations to see how and where Christ is showing up in our world today.

This Epiphany, Rev. David R-B will offer lectionary preaching from the book of Matthew. David will build the worship series from The Working Preacher online resource. Working preacher is an on-line community of Biblical scholars from seminaries around the U.S. and other clergy who want to hone their preaching skills thus bringing the Good News of God’s love alive TODAY!

Epiphany Season Worship Series – January 8 – February 19, 2023

See last week’s blog post about the John Nilsen Trio performing this Sunday, Jan. 1st.

The season of Epiphany follows the celebration of Christmas. This is the liturgical season when we celebrate the “manifestations” of the birth of the Messiah. In the baptism of Jesus, and the miracle stories of Jesus for example turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. in other words, this is the season of “ah-ha” moments. The reality of God’s Incarnation in human form, keeps showing up. The Biblical examples of the season of Epiphany are the “wise men” who came from distant countries, the presentation of Jesus at the temple, the

Our creative and imaginative task during this season is to hear these ancient accounts of God’s Incarnation as invitations to see how and where Christ is showing up in our world today.

This Epiphany, Rev. David R-B will offer lectionary preaching from the book of Matthew. David will build the worship series from The Working Preacher online resource. Working preacher is an on-line community of Biblical scholars from seminaries around the U.S. and other clergy who want to hone their preaching skills thus bringing the Good News of God’s love alive TODAY!

Christmas Services

Christmas Eve Worship Service 10PM

It is not difficult to imagine this night as “reflecting the sacred.” We gather and sing and light candles and dare to believe that love truly enters the world time and again and anything is possible. What may be more difficult to understand, however, is that this love is ours, not because we’ve been “good” (as if God is Santa Claus), but simply because we are beloved–the firstborn of God. Our very being reflects the sacred. The incarnation of God in human flesh is proof.
We will gather on Christmas eve for a hybrid service of lessons, carols and candle-lighting at 10pm in the sanctuary. There will be special music from the chancel choir. We hope you’ll join us for this beautiful tradition filled with light, love and mystery.
(https://www.facebook.com/BethelBeaverton/) and  (https://zoom.us/j/140844207 or by phone at 1-253-215 8782 Meeting ID: 140 844 207)  

Christmas Day Service 2022, Dec. 25th - Pre-recorded

We wanted our staff and volunteers to enjoy the Christmas day activities and traditions they value. So we have created a very special Christmas Day service, Christmas Day – Surprisingly Sacred. You can watch any time online either on YouTube, Facebook or on the website. Remember to celebrate the birth of Jesus in the midst of your holiday activities.
In the early church, Sunday was known as the “day of light.” And so it is special when Christmas falls on a Sunday, as it does in 2022. As light dawns on this morning, as the children scramble to the tree to see what has appeared, we remember that the sacred comes in the form of surprise sometimes, just as it did when light and life was known anew in the form of a baby in a humble stable. Can we dare to believe that we can know a surprising calm even in the midst of anxiety because of the in-breaking of this Prince of Peace upon our lives each and every day?

Our Christmas Day 2022 Worship service will become available on Facebook 10:00 AM Christmas Day. View, worship, and share comments with each other as usual. There will be no Zoom meeting. (https://www.facebook.com/BethelBeaverton/) and YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/0A9eFDbNfes

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Dec. 24th, 10:00pm

We will gather on Christmas eve for a hybrid service of lessons, carols and candle-lighting at 10pm in the sanctuary. There will be special music from the chancel choir. We hope you’ll join us for this beautiful tradition filled with light, love and mystery.
(https://www.facebook.com/BethelBeaverton/) and Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/140844207 or by phone at 1-253-215 8782 Meeting ID: 140 844 207)  

Wassail and Fruit Breads

Sunday, December 18th, after worship service, we have a tradition hosted by the past and current members of the choir, to serve Wassail and fruit breads.
We do this in the old style, beautiful settings, glass punch bowls, and a masterful centerpiece. Wassail is an Old English spiced, warm apple drink (made by Diana Marsden). Traditionally, first cup is served by the Lord of the Manor.  Our current Lord of the Manor is David Thoma. He was taught by our longstanding Lord of the Manor (the late George Russell)
He brings out of the kitchen a bowl of wassail and sings (a cappella) 'Wassail, Wassail" and invites everyone to the table for refreshments. Please join us on December 18th, to celebrate the good harvest and the coming new year.  

Peace & Blessings

Blue Christmas 2023 Service, Dec. 3 rd, 2:00pm

Each year during Advent, Bethel offers a quieter, more meditative worship service. The holidays can be a difficult time for those who are coping with illness, grief, loss, other difficulties and challenges of life.

This time of year, the culture around us seems to demand hearty good cheer at all times. When we are grieving, in pain, trying to make ends meet, and dealing with the continued uncertainty of the pandemic and how to have a safe holiday celebration, we may feel out of step and off balance.

The Blue Christmas Worship Service gives us an opportunity to give voice to our pain and frustration, and the opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to minister to us through candlelight, music, and, if desired, the ancient practice of anointing with oil. The Blue Christmas Worship Service will take place Sunday, December 3rd at 2 pm as a hybrid service.

For further information, please contact Pastor David at drb@bethelbeaverton.org.

Annual Bethel Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony 

Join us Friday, December 2, 2022, 7PM for our annual Christmas tree decorating. Bring weather resistant ornaments to decorate the tree. We will also sing some fun and familiar Christmas Carols, close with prayer. Then enjoy Christmas cookies, cocoa /coffee in the Fellowship Hall.

"The Gingerbread Bash" Family Advent Activity

Dear Bethel Families,

We hope you and your kids will come celebrate Advent with the “The Gingerbread Bash” Friday, December 2, 5:30 -7:00 pm. This is a Bethel family activity (including kids "of all ages") building “gingerbread house style” nativity scenes! The Faith Development Committee will provide all supplies including graham crackers, candies, cookies and frosting. Busy builders will also enjoy pizza for dinner in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 PM and share in the story of Advent, get sticky and share the fun!
Please RSVP for us to buy the right amount of pizza and supplies to: Jan Hodge.

After “The Gingerbread Bash” will be the Bethel’s Annual Christmas Tree - Lighting Ceremony at 7:00 PM – with Christmas cookies, cocoa /coffee to follow!

"The Gingerbread Bash" Family Advent Activity

Dear Bethel Families,
We hope you and your kids will come celebrate Advent with the “The Gingerbread Bash” Friday, December 2, 5:30 -7:00 pm. This is a family activity for kids of all ages and parents; building “gingerbread house style” nativity scenes! The Faith Development Committee will provide all supplies including graham crackers, candies, cookies and frosting. Busy builders will also enjoy pizza for dinner in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 PM and share in the story of Advent, get sticky and share the fun!
Please RSVP for us to buy the right amount of pizza and supplies to: Jan Hodge.

After “The Gingerbread Bash” will be the Bethel’s Annual Christmas Tree - Lighting Ceremony at 7:00 PM – with Christmas cookies, cocoa /coffee to follow!

A Great Learning Opportunity – Saturday, October 29: 9am-3pm

The Respond to Racism committee will host an all-day retreat in the Bethel Fellowship Hall. The purpose of the retreat is to grow in our understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). And to explore together how we might live more fully into our identity as a church where “whoever you are or wherever you are, you are welcome here.”

Our retreat leader will be Carla Gary. Ms. Gary is a consultant who specializes in diversity and inclusion. She has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Oregon and a J.D. from the Iowa School of Law. She is currently serving as the consultant for our Central Pacific Conference.
Five years ago the CPC passed a resolution to become an anti-racist conference. Ms. Gary is assisting the conference in their goal to live into the vision of the resolution.

The retreat is designed to educate and equip Bethel’s staff and lay leadership: Board members, committee chairs and members of committees. However, if you would like to attend this learning opportunity and are not currently in a leadership position, please contact the Bethel church office (503-646-1191) or Office Administrator and share your desire to participate. Everyone who wants to benefit from this retreat will be welcomed to attend.

All-Church Rummage Sale

Every year Bethel has a HUGE rummage sale that is our biggest fundraising event for the year. One year our proceeds paid off the AC/Heat system in the Fellowship Hall. This year the proceeds will be going to make some badly needed repairs to Bethel’s roof. The sale is an opportunity to clean out your drawers, closets, and garage. It is a place where our Bethel neighbors come to buy affordable clothing and household items. Our leftovers go to many different non-profits. Please join us on Oct. 7th & 8th, 9 AM – 3 PM. It’s great fun, and you might find things for yourself.


What can you donate?

Every Sunday, you can pick up a sturdy box at the Rummage Sale display in the Narthex. Please take it home and fill it up with “treasures” you no longer need or want. If something isn’t useful or bringing you joy, do you really need it taking up space in your home?

SOME of what we can take:

Clean, with no holes, clothing and accessories/shoes...kids, women’s, and men’s. We don’t have the manpower to clean clothing and shoes, so cleaning them before you put them in a donation box is very helpful.
Collectibles... if you are donating collectibles and have some idea of your items value, please let us know. It could save someone hours of research.
Toys and kids’ gear
Household items...kitchen items, dinnerware, cutlery, bathroom items, tools, holiday decor, linens, pictures/frames/mirrors, luggage, etc.
Working electronics/ small appliances (Please attach any power cords to your item. They tend to get easily separated.)
Sports Equipment
Garden items
Items for pets
Furniture...if it can be moved by two strong adults. If you have bigger, bulkier, or heavier items you could sell them on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, or any other site, so the buyer comes to you and carts it away. Then you just donate the proceeds to Bethel. You are apt to make more money doing it that way.

-Mattresses (including crib mattresses)
-Big boxy TVs
-Car seats
-Open toiletries
-Used underwear
-Any item too large to be moved by two strong people
The Rummage Sale display on Sundays has pictures of past Rummage Sales in case pictures “speak to you” more than lists. Those dates and times to bring your boxes and other items are printed for you to pick up at the Rummage Sale table.

What are the plans to keep everyone safe?
Right now:
- We will be limiting the number of shoppers into the building. Then, as one shopper leaves, another may enter.
- Everyone will be required to use hand sanitizer as they enter. – As of now, everyone will be required to wear a mask. Linda Timmel

Back to Sunday School and Youth Group- Register Today!

Bethel Congregational UCC is "gearing up" for in- person Sunday School and Youth Group in September! We are even kicking off with a Taco Bar during Fellowship time on September 18.

For Sunday Schoolers, we are also continuing our "Monumental" theme from Vacation Bible School this fall so kids can collect “Bible Buddies!”

Our Youth will have the opportunity to attend the Central Pacific Conference Annual Meeting in Eugene September 23-25, where there is a special youth program planned. It is a wonderful time for the youth to connect with one another. You'll be hearing from Ken Ruse with additional details.

All of our Nursery, Sunday school and Youth Group registration is happening online.

Click here to register for Nursery, and Sunday school: https://forms.gle/4Y2qYRRSJg9q7PLZ6

Click here to register for Youth Group: https://forms.gle/4p3DTxGsUwCJv24A9

Please contact our new Program Coordinator, Rebekah Albert at ra@bethelbeaverton.org if you have any questions.

Owen Hofmann-Smith Last Sunday

Back in February 2014, Bethel UCC hired a new music director, Owen Hofmann-Smith. Little did we know that the next 8 years would be filled with so much talent from leading the choir to solos to handbell choir, to the Hot Shots youth worship band to the adult worship band to cello and guitar playing to talent shows to writing original music for one of our Christmas Pageants. Owen’s talents continued to shine during the pandemic when he kept our choir going by putting together a virtual choir. Owen has supported many nervous singers/musicians and allowed many people to bring their musical talents to Bethel!

Now it is time for others to enjoy Owen’s musical talents as he joins a professional choir. We are fortunate that his wife, Mandy Hofmann-Smith, has agreed to be our interim Music Director as the Personnel Committee looks for a permanent part-time one.

We will have a farewell service and luncheon for Owen on Sunday, September 4th. We wish Owen all the best in his new endeavor and know that he will shine his gifts wherever he goes.

Flicks By The Fountain

The City of Beaverton will be showing a movie (tentatively Encanto) in the park at SW 5th and Hall Blvd, August 26th. The Faith Development Committee will be reserving an area and supplying drinks and ice cream, just bring your own picnic dinner! The movie starts at dusk (between 8:10 PM and 8:40 PM). Look forward to seeing you there!

For more information (including some road closures) check the City of Beaverton's official page:


Peace & Blessings