Bethel Received a Social Services Grant Award!


Bethel Received a Social Services Grant Award! Outreach Committee is happy to announce that Bethel was chosen as one of the recipients of the 2020-2021 Social Services Grant. Not only were we awarded an initial $5,000, which was what we applied for, but we were later notified that an additional $15,000 would be awarded to Bethel - available funds were remaining after all of the initial awards were given out, and food programs were prioritized for the additional available funds. Amazing news.

We will be using the $5,000 original grant funds to purchase additional foods to boost the nutritional value of the Winter and Spring Break food bags for Beaverton High School Homeless students. Congratulations and special thanks to those who worked so hard on this grant: Fran Jensen, the grant's author, as well as Jim Keniston, Kelsey Brielle Rundorff, Nancy Winston, Megan Cohen from the City of Beaverton, and the Outreach Committee. Fantastic job.