Bethel's All Committee Fair is Sunday, Oct. 15th!

Have you ever wondered what goes into a Sunday morning here at Bethel? Or how we come up with all the different events we do? Or how YOU can be a part of it? Come to our All Committee Fair following service on October 15th in the Fellowship Hall to learn more!

We have many committees to thank for the amazing things Bethel does from Growth to Faith Development to Communications and Facilities (just to name a few). All this work is run by people who understand "church" is a verb. The way we use our talents and time takes Bethel beyond being a special place of worship to a place of true community. 

We invite you to come and learn more at this fair and see if there is a place for you and your unique gifts. You'll receive a punch card and get a stamp at each committee you visit, and if you visit all of them you'll earn a special prize!

Reach out to Erin Barber at to learn more!