Beaverton High School, Homeless Teens Food Drive

BHS Soup Current Count: 748           Goal: 1008 cans of soup
NOTE: Please be aware that light or diet soups and chili will be given to the food cupboard. Teenagers need more calories than adults and we have chili from the Oregon Food Bank. We appreciate your donations wherever they are used.

The food for BHS teens experiencing houselessness will be packed and delivered on Tuesday Dec. 12. Start time is TBD. On Monday Dec. 11, the tables of food will be set up in the Fellowship Hall at 1:30 PM. We can use all the hands and backs we can get on both days.
What do we still need? Cash and soup. Food costs have gone up so donations of $$ are welcome.
You can donate online using the drop down Fund menu to designate the BHS homeless youth. Or donate a check or cash. For soup, we want protein soups with veggies with pop top lids.
Thank you Bethel for always coming through to support these teens!