Holy Week

Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ begins the celebration of Holy Week with a very special Palm Sunday service culminating in a beautiful celebration of Easter and the risen Christ followed by a fun Easter egg hunt for all ages. You and your family are invited to join us for any and all of the Holy Week activities.

Palm/Passion Sunday | March 24 at 10 am

Multigenerational Worship

Holy Week begins with worship on Palm Sunday. The children and choir members will gather at the Front entrance of the church and in the Narthex for a congregational procession into the sanctuary with palms waving! Congregants can decide if they would like to join the processional or be seated in the sanctuary at the start of service.

Pastor David will offer a special service entitled, “Songs of Loudest Praise.” Worship will conclude with the building of the cross (made from the trunks of our Christmas trees). 

Maundy Thursday |  March 28th at 7 pm

The Maundy Thursday worship service draws its purpose and themes from historical events that our Christian tradition believed happened on the Thursday before Easter. This year our celebration of Maundy Thursday will walk us through Peter's perspective in the crucifixion narrative. Stage by stage, we experience the story through the eyes of one of Jesus' closest followers and friends as he goes to his death. This service will be a multisensory worship taking us through confession, lament, and repentance. We leave the sanctuary in silence. 

Good Friday |  March 29, 12 - 3 pm
Quiet Prayer A time of quiet reflection in the chapel. This is a self-directed time of prayer and renewal. 

Easter Sunday | March 31 at 10 am

Multigenerational Worship

 We discover the true blessing of Hope this Easter! This all-generational worship will celebrate Christ’s resurrection with special music, prayers and liturgy. Our sanctuary will be flooded with color from flowers given in honor or memory of loved ones. An invitation to sing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus will conclude worship. 

Easter Egg Hunt | March 31 at 11:15 am

Join us after our Easter Morning Celebration for an Easter Egg Hunt for children of ALL age