What’s This Comma Thing All About?

 Last Sunday at the Committee Fair, we gave out prizes if you visited all of the committee tables or signed up to serve.

A number of folks relatively new to the UCC (less than 10 years) were not familiar with the comma symbol. So, a little history might be helpful to explain its significance.

Back in the early 2000s the UCC decided to be very intentional about telling our story via a large-scale advertising campaign titled “God is Still Speaking”. There were several TV ads, plus many resources for local churches to use.

You might have heard some of the phrases that were used:

“No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”

“Never place a period where God has placed a comma,"God is Still Speaking” 
The first part of this sentence was a quote from Gracie Allen, of Burns and Allen comedy team of the 20th century. The UCC added “God is Still Speaking” to speak of God’s continuing story in our lives and that the story is far from over.

Over the years, the comma has become a ubiquitous symbol of the extravagant welcome of the United Church of Christ. The first comma was pure red and has evolved over the years to speak to important issues we support.The comma that many people received last Sunday is the newest iteration of the comma,celebrating Pride.

We hope you will wear your Comma pin with pride and be ready to tell the story that “God is Still Speaking” at your church.