Stewardship Campaign Theme for 2023 “Because of You, Our Church Changes Lives!”

Like many UCC congregations, Bethel asks members and friends to make a financial pledge in the fall. Our financial pledges form a significant component of our budget (mission giving and spending plan) for the upcoming year. We call this campaign “stewardship” because we believe that all that we have flows from God’s abundance. We are called to be good stewards of the gifts God has provided to all of us. Our gifts include our financial resources, our talents or skills, and our willingness to give of our time to the mission and vision of Bethel. All three are vitally important!

Pastor David has invited several members and friends of Bethel to share during worship why supporting Bethel matters to them. We call these “witnessing stewards.” We will “kick off” our stewardship season this Sunday, October 29th.

You’ll receive a stewardship letter in the mail early next month. The letter will give important information about our hopes and dreams for next year – and how you can help make that happen.

We will continue to provide information over the next several weeks that will help you prayerfully consider how you feel called to support Bethel’s ministry